About This Game The conclusive episode in this visual novel trilogy is set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. Will Hal's dream be realized? It's been 8 years since the events of episode.01 and his dream is still to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he still needs a ludicrous amount of capital. With the economics of lunar city going out of control what is going to happen next? From the author of Spice and Wolf, Isuna Hasekura, comes WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03. The opening video features music by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets, known for the opening songs for High School of the Dead, Strike the Blood, and GATE! b4d347fde0 Title: WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03Genre: Casual, IndieDeveloper:Spicy TailsPublisher:Sekai ProjectRelease Date: 21 Dec, 2016 WORLD END ECONOMiCA Episode.03 Password I honestly don't think this game has any cons. Ever since i bought the first EP i knew things would get even better from there on, but to think it would make me feel so emotional and this good. Who would have thought.If you're thinking about whetever you should or not buy the triology, do it.Maybe the only bad part is that it actually ends. Besides that, to me, everything was utterly flawless.. Quick summary: a satisfying finale for the trilogy, an adorably sweet conclusion to its romance, and a master class on real-world economics all in one. Really.(No spoilers review)It's World End Economica volume 03, where everything from the previous volumes goes up to eleven, including its economics jargon and its characters' ocassional bouts of stupidity. Welcome to the world's sweetest, most romantic explanation of the 2007 financial crisis.Graphics: 8/10Yet another improvement over its previous entry, albeit not as much as it was in turn over the first; character designs, backgrounds and CGs are all improved. Makes it somewhat jarring when screens from the first entry are used in flashbacks, but nothing too bad. Font handling doesn't play too well with the new in-game dictionary, though, but it's a minor point most of the time.Sound: 8/10Much better than its predecessor: still no voice acting but the music fits scenes much better, they flow into one another more smoothly, and I even found myself humming a couple once or twice. Full props here.Story: 10/10Let's start with the worst: though they had been foreshadowed repeatedly throughout the entire series, some of the conflict on this volume still comes across as childish. I mean, seriously.But the rest, oh boy the rest. This volume is just brilliant, hitting your emotions even harder than the previous two volumes, and it's all mixed with a deep, well researched class on economics. The author pulled no stops on this volume, and it shows: it's evident from the start it's building up to an analogue of the 2007 financial crisis, but manages to weave it tightly with its character drama: concepts such as securities, bonds and credit swaps are crucial in understanding what's going on, though the narrative often pauses to explain them using graphs and even an in-game dictionary; all while showing the emotional impact of such a crisis on people of all walks in life, both directly involved and mere victims of its consequences.A problematic point though is that it's over too soon; there's barely any denouement after the climax and, though sweet, the CGs that float during the credits offer very little emotional closure. There's no plot threads left hanging, mind you, it's just... you know.Longevity: 7/10As usual, it's a kinetic novel with no choices whatsoever; but, it is longer than the previous two volumes, taking me over 7 hours of reading time, and I'm itching to get back and read it all again from the start.ConclusionA brilliant finale for a brilliant series, fantastic from start to end. Like its own characters, the series is never flawless but it's impossibly smart and has a lot of heart; in the end, I'm really happy to have come to know it, and I think you will too. Fully recommended.. I wouldn't have mind waiting for another year if they made an Eleanor route, like at least one choice in the game which would decide how the story would proceed, not to say that Hagana was a bad character, it's just how the people reading interpreted the previous installments, it's possible that after reading episode 1 and 2 some were rooting more for Hagana because of the development on ep1 or some rooted for Eleanor because of the development on ep2. I just thought that they should have considered the readers investment in these characters more (sorry Chris I'm sure some people rooted for you as well), though it's more of my bias talking here. I'm sure by now you know who I rooted for (I'm a sucker for blond types). Nevertheless, I enjoyed all episodes and was at my wits end waiting for ep3. Would I recommend it to others? Definitely yes. (even if my best girl didn't win, don't worry you won in my fantasies)Regarding the end it was beautiful, but 30 minutes more of dialogue wouldn't hurt write?(this misspelled word is intentional) Instead of just still pictures, like they could have released it by January just to add that extra service. It was sad to see it end but what can I say more, it's better to end on a high note than risk extending it just to see it plummet. It may seem to others that I am ranting or being sarcastic but no! I love the series and will be keeping an eye for stories like this and stories made by Spicy Tails.Very Important to know before playing Episode 3(Eleanor is best girl, I woundn't be mad if they pulled an "I love Emilia" sh*t out of the blue ^^). I've been a fan of Isuna Hasekawa for a while now. Ever since I watched the anime Spice and Wolf. To say this review could be a little biased would be an understatement, but at the same time I think if I hadn't read or watched Spice and wolf, this game would still at least be a 9/10The entire series as a whole has been a rollercoaster, with it's most impressive bit being the character development. In this final episode the characters own arcs and convictions really shine, and the result of their development blossoms in ways that really moved me to tears.The story itself, the narrative contents and the themes shine. Although it can be a little bit of a grind to work through all the economics, it certainly provded a lot of insight into investment as a whole. To note, the themes of investment are based upon the author's own experience and knowledge in the field so it certainly has credibility if you are looking for that kind of realism. The bredth of the writers knowledge in market crisis is quite educational. Although there is some critiscism that economics hasn't progressed all that far compared to the norm of the present day. But hey, I don't know much about economics so I couldn't really tell.The art is a huge goodie. Though it's lacking on content, the CG's accompanied with scenes can be very powerfull and provide the mood very well. It certainly was much like watching a drama, except I was projecting my hallucinations onto a 2D still.The music is some funky sheeeeeet! I can't describe it much more than that. It's wonderfully made, with one or two exceptions, the majority of tracks will make you forget they are even on repeat.I bought the entire set of games individually for £30 pounds. I've gotten at least thirty hours out of them all accumilated, and I'm a very fast reader. I would say after it all, yes it was worth it for me. It may be for you, but always be on the look out for deals. I'd suggest buying the first one at full price if you aren't confident, rather than jumping into the full bundle discount. From there if you like it, buy the bundle which will give you a good discount on the sequels, and then enjoy.#LeGoffBestGirl. It has been a very, very, very long time since I read a Visual Novel I genuinely loved. This is one of them. Perhaps the only criticism I have for this VN is that there were seven or so CGs that were played in the ending credits, where I would've very, very much liked to see fleshed out. Other than that, this VN trilogy is about next to perfect. A beautiful, beautiful story.. 10/10I really enjoyed the third part of this trilogy of WEE (almost as much the other two). While the thematic of economics and the world of finance are not the most interesting topic as the basis of a history, WEE make it really worth of reading, so 100% recommende.
WORLD END ECONOMiCA Episode.03 Password
Updated: Mar 24, 2020